domingo, 2 de outubro de 2011

Carta de amor com 200 anos...


Carta de amor com 200 anos, encontrada escondida dentro do braco de uma cadeira!!! 
Sera que um dia tambem as nossas cartas de amor se espalharao pelo mundo? Lindo pensar nisso...

"My dear small love, do not be worried, do you seriously believe I would tell anything to these people, who don't understand anything about love?

If someone insists that I say something, it will be anything but the dear love acquired by you, which is the great treasure hidden in my heart.

I didn't tell you to come yesterday because I didn't have the opportunity, but do come every Tuesday around 5:30, and Fridays as well; I count/hope on you tomorrow.

At the moment I write this letter, I can hear my aunt yelling, who else annoys us all day long, today and tomorrow.

My dear, I cover you with kisses and caresses until... I need you in this moment of desire. I love you."

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